We are looking forward to the warmer weather and plan to run our Ball Program in June/July or July/August of 2021. We will work with everyone to have the program going as soon as we’re able. Registration will open SOON with the forms online here, under PROGRAMS.
Here is some quick info on the program…
We are excited to be working to offer another fun year of ball in Josephburg! We hope you are ready for a learning environment that is both fun and rewarding for all. A few things about the program… it is presented by the Josephburg Ag Society and parent-lead. JAS has new equipment and three shale diamonds to base the program out of. We rely on those who have played ball to offer their assistance to their own kids and others. Much like minor hockey, there are no selected or paid coaches. We have a couple go-to coordinators and they will assist with registration and the organization of the teams.
Plan to help and plan to have fun!
*players from the same family must be registered on separate forms. Only one purchase of Josephburg Ag Society membership is needed.
We offer:
Tee Ball 3-5 yrs
Softball 6-8 yrs
Softball 9-12 yrs
Softball 13-16 yrs
Ball is on Monday & Wednesday nights, in Josephburg, 6-7 pm for TeeBall. 6-7:30 pm for Softball
(13 minutes East of Fort Sask.)
From June 2, 2021 to July 28, 2021 OR July 7, 2021 to August 25, 2021 – AHS Protocol dependent.